Have fun and learn more from the leaders who want to make a difference to other people who are, or want to lead self, teams and organisations.
7 Secrets of Great Leaders
We want to support you and help you make a difference for future generations.
- 5-minute espresso podcast with Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche: Secret 1. Great leaders practice mindfulness
- 5-minute espresso podcast with Shima Barakat: Secret 2. Great leaders practice powerful attention (focus)
- 5-minute espresso podcast with Carl Tucker: Secret 3. Great leaders know how to master their emotional response
- 5-minute espresso podcast with guest speaker Emmanuel Carraud: Secret 4. Great leaders know the root of motivation
- 5-minute espresso podcast with guest speaker Craig Thomson: Secret 5. Great leaders know how to stay on the front foot (Reframing)
Exciting news! See now with the live online Master Class with Pearson Publishing (Business)
- 5-minute espresso podcast from Radha Narayan: Secret 6. Great leaders know the true source of good communication skills
Listen to Radha’s thoughts on leading self and the team. We also discuss interesting questions about leadership in today’s ever changing world
Episode 1 – Radha Narayan – Part One
Radha talks about her background as a leader within Google and shares her thoughts and ideas on leadership by answering some key questions.

Radha talks about her background as a leader within Google and shares her thoughts and ideas on leadership by answering questions:
- On the importance of communication when leading others
- Radha’s path to leadership
- Radha’s specific leadership style
Episode 2 – Radha Narayan – Part Two

Radha continues to share her leadership thoughts and ideas and within this podcast Radha discusses:
- Previous experiences linked with communication learning styles and neuro sensory preferences
- Discussing the William H. White quote ’the great enemy of communication is the illusion of it’
- The importance of knowing about sensory preferences
- Radha’s biggest joy as a leader
- Radha’s biggest challenge as a leader
One of our client’s share their experiences with Cambridge Inner Game Leadership
Since starting the Leadership programme, I have learnt so many new tools and skills to help me in my role and life outside of work. I am a highly motivated person and felt I was achieving good results, however there were areas of my job where sometimes I felt like I was hitting a brick wall. This really helped me to always find a solution to a situation that I might find myself in and this has allowed me to achieve higher success. I have grown in confidence as a person, I feel really empowered by having gained these skills, and putting them into practice and seeing them work. This Leadership programme will help you with self-belief, confidence, motivation, seeing things from difference perspectives, helping to take a step back and reflect to help you make the right decision, to be a better Leader, but also person. The programme is really well structured.